One of the swaps we hosted in January was a New Year Notecard. Members were asked to fill up a notecard with thoughts about the 2015 year. Each participant was encouraged to answer questions like...
Do you make resolutions?
Do you set goals?
What are you most looking forward to in 2015?
Is there something you would like to add to your life in this new year?
Is there something you'd like to drop?
How do you want to feel in 2015?
As LEP members signed up to participate in the swap, we asked them to fill in this sentence...
In 2015, I want to feel __________.
Here is how the participants would like to feel:
~ more at peace with myself.
~ the weight of my worries disappear!
~ accomplished.
~ like I can take better care of my inner child.
~ happy.
~ happy with who I am, what I do, and where I'm going with my life - and I'm ready to
make the changes to get there.
~ creative.
~ fulfilled.
~ more like myself.
~ alive and fit!!
~ more peaceful, more relaxed (less stressed by all things I (think I) have to do.
~ content and settled!
~ healthier.
~ integrated.
~ contented.
~ productive and content.
~ GREAT! (and positive, and healthier, and so much more).
~ engaged.
~ Way better than the last year & a half!
~ accomplished, happier, healthier and that I did everything I could to make it a good year.
~ like I am worshipping at the altar of my own intuition.
~ content.
~ really happy!
~ happy, loved and sexy.
~ dauntless.
~ confident, happy, balanced, loved.
~ more connected to friends.
~ as if I have earned my stripes as an eccentric old lady who was created by
Charles Dickens or Oscar Wilde.
~ passion.
~ happy.
~ on top of my game.
~ at peace with myself, in control and confident.
~ excited.
~ thankful.
~ accomplished and in control!
~ like a mother to be.
~ like I accomplished something.
~ more confident about the choices I make, more pro active, more energetic,
stronger within myself.
~ the joy that comes from a happy life; good health, great friends, loving family.
This is a great list!
My feeling words to focus on in 2015 are efficient, generous, enough and healthy (physical, emotional spiritual). I've made a few adjustments, but I still need to spend some more time focusing on the way I want to feel.
I hope your 2015 is getting off to a great start! How are you feeling?