It's been a busy week here at LEP Headquarters! We've been busy matching
partners for the first LEP swap, ensuring that everything is just right
for the perfect pairing—we want you and your partner to make the most
dynamite super team this world has ever seen (ie: waaaaayy better than
Batman and Robin!)! Emails were sent yesterday to everyone participating
so check your inboxes and get writing! Just a reminder that you should
have your introduction letter posted by February 19. If you haven't
gotten an email containing your partner's info yet, check your spam folder; if it's not there, then let us know.
In addition, we're happy to announce that LEP Headquarters has
joined the 21st century! What does this mean, you're asking... well, let
us tell you! It means that we've joined social media. We were a bit on
the fence about social media because by definition, being a superhero
means hidden identities and cloak and dagger activities. But, when Jerk Superman
is blabbing about his activities on Twitter, that made us reevaluate
things. Why should he have all the spotlight?! All he does is fly and
have super strength or whatever; we write letters! That's way better.
So, there are now two ways to interact with LEP via social networking (other than this blog, of course):
Follow us on Twitter! We can't guarantee that we'll tweet much
because trying to fit everything we want to say in 140 characters is
next to impossible, but we'll try our darndest. Follow us, tweet at us,
introduce yourself so we can follow back, do other things that Twitter
allows you to do at other users (within reason....). Trust us, it'll be
2) Join the LEP Facebook group! We were so pleased that
everyone seemed to enjoy the LEP blog post party, and in an attempt to
keep that party going, we've created a Facebook group to allow you to
indulge some more in the invisible punch. However, this Facebook group
is open to LEP members only. Sushi and the
Squirrel will act as admins for the group so don't worry about having to
ask to "join" the group—once your membership has been verified, it's a
non-stop PAR-TAY all night long.
That's the latest from LEP Headquarters and Sushi and the Squirrel! How have you superheroes been?