Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Responsible superheroes don't drink and blog.

After the newsletter came out, we had a massive party on our dream cloud! And between our dream parties and the blog post party, we're still a little drunk on invisible punch.

You know what they say, though, about being responsible superheroes: you should never drink and blog. As a result, your regularly scheduled Wednesday post will run next week as planned.

Before we shuffle away to sleep off our invisible hangover, two things:

1) We resent the newsletter yesterday afternoon to everyone who registered in MailChimp after February 1, as well as all LEP members who still hadn't opened the newsletter as of February 5.

If you are a LEP member who still hasn't received a copy of the newsletter, please check your spam folder to make sure it wasn't banished to spam by mistake before emailing us. If it was, be sure to add to your contacts to ensure that doesn't happen with future issues. If it's still not in your spam folder, then let us know by emailing us and we'll send you a link where you can access the newsletter.

2) A gentle reminder that you have 3 more days to sign up for the penpal swap. The deadline for signing up is February 8, and this deadline is firm. That doesn't mean that the deadline has been "working out," it actually means that if you sign up for the penpal swap on February 9th (or any day after), you will not be matched with a partner. So take 30 seconds to send us an email and don't miss out on the opportunity to make two new extraordinary penpals!

We're Alive & Well

We don't blog anymore, but that doesn't mean we aren't active! We've got a Facebook community filled with lots of conversati...