Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Joining the League of Extraordinary Penpals

So you've seen the bat signal and you think you might want to join the League of Extraordinary Penpals (LEP)?! 

What is the LEP?
The LEP is a super collaboration between Laura of Please Deliver To and Julie of Penpal of the Week / La Papierre, and we need awesome penpals like you to join our ranks! Basically it’s a penpal club that connects you with other extraordinary penpals.

What do I get for joining the LEP?
In addition to being part of a club that has the word "extraordinary" in the title, the LEP offers a monthly newsletter that contains all of the below in every issue: 

* Printable (the first issue's printable is a superhero registration form)
* Snail mail challenge
* Organized swap (letter or stationery related)
* Giveaway (the first one is an item of your choice from La Papierre)
* Superhero-themed interview with an extraordinary LEP member
* Article on a topic of interest
* Featured snail mail related website
* Access to a private stationery subscription service (SSS)
* The chance to receive a letter or a card from your LEP hostesses
   (we will send a piece of mail to at least two LEP members every month)
* The chance to be featured as our monthly extraordinary LEP member,
   which also includes an awesome superhero portrait by Ciara Kay.

Also, there will be a LEP-themed letter set that will be available only to LEP members - and who doesn't want to write a letter on unique superhero stationery? 

How much does it cost to join the LEP? 
For a small monthly fee, all that LEP offers could be yours!

Each newsletter will be released on the first of each month. The regular price of joining the LEP is:

$5 for one month
$12 for three months
$18 for six months

However, we're offering an early subscription bonus: if you sign up before February 1, the cost of joining the LEP is:

$3 for one month
$8 for three months
$12 for six months
$20 for one year

To steal a common saying: the cost of joining the LEP is less than a cup of coffee.
So what are you waiting for? 

Sounds great! How do I join? 
You can join our extraordinary team by subscribing on the official member page!

We're Alive & Well

We don't blog anymore, but that doesn't mean we aren't active! We've got a Facebook community filled with lots of conversati...